Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thinking of My Best friend on My Bday...

There is always a best friend for everyone.. in some way or other .... And yes, even I have...
.. I had one best friend… then it became 2….slowly to 3….at last when it became more than 5…I tried to put them in buckets....
A bucket of Good friends, another of Close friends, then Bestest friends, some Soul friends, counted Lifetime friends…

The definition of a best friend to me is changed over the years…
My Best friend for me is now like all the ones I will never forget in my life… coz some friends are best at what they are….best at what they do to me… best at what they make me feel….
I have been so lucky to have some numbered friends in my lifetime... Without all these crazy ones… I can never be the real me..

1st – the one who loves me whatever shape I turn to, whatever mood I am on...whatever mistakes I do..
2nd – the one who I haven't seen for years... but the heart reaches out to them when glad and sad..
3rd – the one who I worry about if I don’t get a weekly call , then we chat for minutes without running out of topic..
4th – the one who I would be hurt if I didn’t knew the big and small things happening with them...
5th – the one who is there on gmail, fb, whatsapp, skype, msg, calls..name the app - whenever I need ..anytime...
6th – the one who calls whenever in town and try to squeeze in the talks - out of town topics and relive the past..
7th – the one who I see almost all day, shares bunches of this and that.. bears my drama and never fed up of the real me..
8th – the one for whom I hop on bike , ride to their home, meet them - for those are real busy bees in life...
9th – the one who is just there to say a hi -hru - and wear a smile , doesn’t matter we knew the current affairs..
10th – the one who lives on my FB likes and comments - and makes me feel - we are still on baby..
11th – the one who I lean on for pouring out my weirdest and confused emotions – and exactly knows what to say to me..
12th – the one who I dial /message immediately whenever something big is happening to in my life…
13th – the one who wishes on my bday every year. ..I dial on his and he on mine.. enough to let know we are special friends...
14th – the one whose voice I always recognize even at any wakeup call of my tightest sleep…
15th – the one whose blogs I read - doesn’t matter if seen each other for years or never will be able to meet in life..
16th – the one who is a colleague, being with me in the 4 walls , bearing all my daily tantrums at work…
17th – the one who is across the sea and let know of all the special things once a while in a call…
18th – the one who you know they are the same even if you don’t call them once a week, a month or in a year..
19th – the one who in my school/ college , who knew the teenage me , knows the new me in 2014 & still love the way I am…
20th – the one who misses my bday all years– and later dials in to tell that with a sorry face to let know how special I still am…
21st – the one who is so afraid of losing me with time – amidst of all other friend waves that surround me…
22nd – the one who brings a tear in my eyes when they cry, that’s when I know I don’t like them being sad..
23rd – the one who always prays for me every night & wishes all times best to happen with me..
24th – the one who always runs to me when in need and I know exactly what to say to make them feel good..
25th – the one who is always there for a glass of cheers and never says NO for a drink with me..
26th – the one who showed me how to be in love, how to be loved and drifted away holding a broken heart..
27th – the one who is much more than a friend and holds a special feeling in my heart …
28th – the one who knows to read my mind when my lips are sealed and is sure something is not right with me..
29th – the one who breaks my trust every time and I just can't let them go for I love them in some ways..
30th – the one who is always proud of the person I have become in life and aspires my wishes as their dreams..
31st – the one in my family – my father, mother, brother, sister, cousins , my aunt ,uncle, my grandma , niece or nephew.. the one at my home that knows the naked me..
32nd – this B'day.. I hope to find a new bucket…and the Love is set ON...Ready to give, give, give..... and live on... :-)

Dedicated to all my friends who touched my life....
You should know that.. you for sure, totally and definitely made a difference in my life by just being there …

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