Friday, August 14, 2009

Did I break the thread…

I was just holding on...
And you just pulled it....
So did I break the thread....?

I will always try to say to clear my part....'that you pulled it, it broke off..'
Question is if I could have left the hold ?
But question here is did it break just coz I was holding on....

How can I win over this and prove? Like any other argument that I win -I cannot win this!!!
Some phenomena in physics - apply 3rd law of Newton - still can I win this argument?
Action - reaction funda? apply some more mathematical calculation of force and distance ? ...( by the way in dilemma what is to be actually proven for the thread is already broken now....??)
I think it's difficult to give an answer to this.....that U or ME responsible?

Sometimes we cant hold anyone responsible for actions that occur....
Finding myself in a situation now, where I cannot blame or point finger to anyone or anything..
Ah!!!! Great !!! Yes I return to the old take a round.
The same old circle where .... where I tend to turn my mind to certain words like
Happens for good...
Learn from Experience...
Life is like this...
Sadness fly away...on wings of time...
Time shows good and bad...
Move on , this is not the end...
Expect the worst...
That was a sour grape..."
I can spot many more phrases....running in my mind....
When something in life happens that is not actually wished for or something that is not actually wanted....or not expected....Yeah!! I turn to that items list where everyone try to hide in, that list to put a blame on - or may be not blame - but a sort of finding reason to the unreasonable things happening in life.....

Its natural of all do that, but I am just gone nuts today...thinking how long will I stick on to this list...
Every time - something happens out of the ring - Wonderful - I find out way to get out of it - only from repeating and bombarding these things to my brain...
I guess now my surviving brain is also bored of these list...


Ajai said...

Hmmm... going through some turmoil are we??? To use your own comparision to give my thoughts one person can't break the thread alone. It takes two forces acting in opposite directions to break the thread. It's never just one person's fault. It's both. Don't blame yourself. Smile. Be happy. :)

dumbheart said...

Thanx for that..

Sometimes life is so messy in certain things, and you cannot debug and dissect it to find the actual cause of things happenig thru life.

Anyways, m smiling only:-)